Every game ever brought out has been made great because of an ultimate "Baddy" as people would call them. They bring this need to beat the game and show who is the true boss which is the good guys. For the most part not all games have a villain, but the main ones that draw a person's attention do. Unless your a sports fan only, because your just getting left out on the fun. Big time villains come in all shapes and forms from the nasty, fire breathing Bowser to the relentless legions of covenant in the Halo saga. These villains are more than just some character to crush in the game. They also have a story they would like to tell too.
I would like to talk about three top villains from the gaming world. The first one i would like to talk about is Bowser from the Mushroom Kingdom. We all know that he is a bad giant dinosaur that wants to enslave the kingdom and take Princess Peach as his wife. The truth is he really only commits one major crime and that is kidknapping. I just think peach makes it way to easy and just likes the attetion. On a more serious note the major reason why Bowser is considered one of the top bad guys of the times is because of how popular he is. I mean really if someone would say something about Mario the first thing that pops into your mind would be "I wonder how we get to beat up Bowser this time."
The next villain one the list is the infamous Ganondorf from the Zelda legacy. The master of the dark arts of magic and chaos. This is one wizard you don't want to mess with. He is probably in my mind one of the coolest villains for the fact that he is portrayed as being a big muscular giant and uses magic to destroy the people of Hyrule. The hero that defeats him everytime is the Great Link who is out also to save once again a princess. But he is more than just a little elf man he is the legendary warrior that weilds the power of the tri force. This magic is the one thing that can defeat old Ganondorf. He really isn't that bad in my mind just more understood.
Now the one villain that has been deabated as the number villain of all time is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7. He is the most powerful, Emo punk sword weilding Baddy of all time. He is number one for the pure fact that wants to destroy the world. His sole goal of being a god in the game drives him to kill one of the beloved main characters of the cast. Even when you reach the end in this game you feel like you need to put all your efforts in to destroy him.
Overall we need villians to make the games great. They provide us with epic final battles of magic, sword fights and fire balls. Its the one thing we can count on for making are video games better. People everywhere are creating forums and videos about their favorite villians too. Because they are just as cool as the heroes and deserve their spot in the sun to shine above the rest.
I think that a game's villian can determine how good a game is. They help to persuade you to beat them. I liked Ganondorf too. Games where you could be any character are good too. I always have liked Super Smash Bros. because you could pick either good or bad guys. Not a whole lot of background is given for some of the villians, which makes it hard to understand why you want to beat them.
ReplyDeleteAh the villains.. Your right tony, the bad guy in the story can make or break a game. The designers have to do a good job in creating an opposition. I have never heard of a game where the bad guys win in the end, so its all about the journey. Some players enjoy hacking and slashing through hundreds and thousands of enemies, while others prefer more realistic circumstances. Either way you like it, its all about finishing first. Good post Tony
ReplyDeleteI would first like to say, Sephiroth made the F.F.7 storyline. It was such an intricate game, with Cloud's mysterious past intertwining with this mega-villain's. Bowser and the Koopas in the Mario games are essential, even if they are cheesy. I didn't get to play many of the Zelda games, but an overall statement that villains are essential to make a decent RPG (Role-Playing game). Even the "baddies" deserve a little credit once in awhile. They create a balance to the hero's character. Who do you feel is the ULTIMATE villain? You said he was debated, who were his equivalents? Nicely done! Without the Villain there would be really no story to many a videogame. Good work Anthony.