Now the whole Halo trilogy has been great and brought goods times for all the gamers out there. Well here comes another game that is just packed with even more exciting characters and even better graphics. This game takes place at the beginning of what started the war with the Covennant. Halo Wars brings a whole new spin to what Halo is.
We have all played the first three Halos and said yea they are a lot of fun and sometimes I would just like more. Well now you can have more with this new game. From the developers of Ensemble Studios and of course Microsoft Game Studios created a new way to see Halo. They designed this game not to be a first person shooter like its predecessors, but as a RTS (Real Time Strategy). This game is running with a different breed of gamers. It is similar to the games that Blizzard makes like Warcraft 3 and the Starcraft games. In this game you take your troops and command to do your bidding. This allows the player to just sit back and relax a little bit. So if you want to walk away quick and get something to drink you sure can. In all seriousness this game has more background story than some can image. You meet some of the legendary crew from the start of the war. We have Captain James Cutter and Seargent John Forge which are playable characters in multiplayer maps online and in the campaign mode. Now there are very few drawbacks for this game and that would be just the lack of a third race to play as while online against other players. The other big thing that I feel is not fair is that you can't play as the Covennant in campaign mode which I think would be a lot of fun. Overall this is a great game that all the Halo fans out there would enjoy. The one great thing about this game that i found to be interesting is that if you never played a RTS then you will see what have been missing.
Dude, this is crazy... I am really excited for this... Halo is one of my best games, that i have ever played...
ReplyDeleteThis game also add a lot of memories... I use to play this game in one of my friends house, and always use to get mad when things didnt work out good... haha
This would bring a relieve to him, as when he gets tired, he can take some rest and calm down
I am really excited... but when does this game hit the market??