Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Legend of Zelda Legacy

I wanted to talk about something that has been know as one of the best legacies in the video game world. It is know as the Legend of Zelda Legacy with its main star character Link. This game series has been reigning in the world of Nintendo. These games have been in the market since the first game was released in 1986. I t is the one game series that has a fan base bigger than Mario which is probably seen as the Nintendo mascot.
These games are based on exploration, puzzles, action/battling and strategy action features. This has been the style of the game play for every Zelda game that they've brought out. The puzzle solving in the game usual rewards the player with special weapons or health most of the time. This is a very sweet deal when you just got done battling a bunch of enemies. This is just an example that has made these games so popular with many kids. Having all the different features in a game that can give you a sweet experiences.
This game is based on the story of a young elf warrior that is out to save Princess Zelda from the evil Ganondorf. Through his questing he faces many mini bosses that lead to the next advancement which is one step closer to rescuing the princess. Another key aspect to the game is the Tri-force which is an omnipotent relic that can aid the hero.
Now these games are loved by many fans and even some have done artwork for the game, made home made videos and even a fake movie ad for these awesome games. For me it is just a normal game and I feel a little sad that I can't enjoy it as much as everyone else. I do have to give respect to the series and that If you feel like you want to take an adventure this is one that is worth venturing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The release of Halo Wars

Now the whole Halo trilogy has been great and brought goods times for all the gamers out there. Well here comes another game that is just packed with even more exciting characters and even better graphics. This game takes place at the beginning of what started the war with the Covennant. Halo Wars brings a whole new spin to what Halo is.
We have all played the first three Halos and said yea they are a lot of fun and sometimes I would just like more. Well now you can have more with this new game. From the developers of Ensemble Studios and of course Microsoft Game Studios created a new way to see Halo. They designed this game not to be a first person shooter like its predecessors, but as a RTS (Real Time Strategy). This game is running with a different breed of gamers. It is similar to the games that Blizzard makes like Warcraft 3 and the Starcraft games. In this game you take your troops and command to do your bidding. This allows the player to just sit back and relax a little bit. So if you want to walk away quick and get something to drink you sure can. In all seriousness this game has more background story than some can image. You meet some of the legendary crew from the start of the war. We have Captain James Cutter and Seargent John Forge which are playable characters in multiplayer maps online and in the campaign mode. Now there are very few drawbacks for this game and that would be just the lack of a third race to play as while online against other players. The other big thing that I feel is not fair is that you can't play as the Covennant in campaign mode which I think would be a lot of fun. Overall this is a great game that all the Halo fans out there would enjoy. The one great thing about this game that i found to be interesting is that if you never played a RTS then you will see what have been missing.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Style of Gameplay

An amazing new game has hit the market. Its something we have never seen before that will just blow the minds of everyone out there. This new game combines two completely different styles of games that gives you a want to play. This new game is called Battleforge and it is played online.
This new game is something that has brought the world of card games and online play together. Creating a whole new way to get online. The well know world of card games has been given its name from three of the most know card games to bring people of all ages together. They are Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and the one that brings in the big bucks and the oldest Magic the Gathering. These games are a simple base games that involve battling an opponent for being the best. They all have creatures that battle and cards that aid these monster in either boosting their power or protecting them from being detroyed.
Now we all know about the world of games and their advances of online playability with people around the world. The most famous of them all of course is World of Warcraft. This game has over millions of players that all can say they are proud of who they are and that they love this game. So what is the big deal that I'm trying to make? The big deal is that Battleforge has finally created a world that brings amazing fantasy creatures from the paper on to the screen. In this game a player is able to battle with the four elements, buy new cards and trade with other players. The graphics are pretty descent for this new type of game. For the most part I find it to show some promising features that will give it some of its own unique qualities. the missions are fun and exciting and as an added bonus all the cards for this game are sold online which makes it easy to keep track of them. So if you want a new game to try this would be a good one.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Nintendo DSi

It is the third form of the DS to come out on the game market. Nintendo of course made another amazing hand held device that people are just going nuts over. I myself have got one and just love its sweet ability to take pictures and get apps for it through wi-fi. It is probably one of the coolest portable gaming devices that has ever been created. It is the awesome Nintendo DSi. They really upgrade this device by increasing the screen size to 3.25 in. from its original 3 in. I know this is not an amazing change to the screen but for gamers this means a lot. They also added two cameras on the machine for picture taking, an SD card slot to store pics and other stuff, the ability to get applications off the web. It has brought some new playable enjoyment to many. Some of the original ideas for the machine was to have to slots for the DS games. This was something that when came out in testing just seemed to be worthless which led to the decision to change it back to a single slot. This allowed the device to cut down on its size. Other amazing things they have for fun is the ability to change, add and morphing your pictures. They also have a recorder to play with sounds.
This is one of the best devices in my mind that Nintendo has ever brought out. It is just a fun device which can be played by all ages. And a lot of the reviews for it have come back as being a great device. So if you don't have one and would like to get in on some of the funs things in life this is the best gaming machince for anyone.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Changing up the Story

A good storyline can never be beat in a great video games. One of the coolest things seen in games are multi-story campaigns. One of the best examples are the famous computer games from Blizzard Entertainment, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft. These two games have made the frontier of having separate campaigns in one game possible. They came out and the crashed the market with the weight of their giant fan base.
I myself have played these games and saw just amazing things. One of the coolest things about these games is actually how deep you can get into the story of some of their hero class characters. They can lead off into the past events of the characters and show their history. A good example is the character Grom Hellsrceam from the orc race that wars in Warcraft. He is a general that lead his people on a dark path and looks for redemption. Another interesting thing is the intertwining storires in these types of games.
Another game that has this type of situation would be the Pokemon games. They All are different in many ways but what ties them togther is the fact that you are always a trainer out to be the pokemon master. In these different storylines you can be whatever you want with many different types of pokemon teams. You are for sure going to face gym leaders, the elite four at the end and a stupid rival friend that thinks they are better than you. So for all of you out there that like to spice it up just try a new game and see whats different.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Portable Gaming Devices of Nintendo

The Nintendo Game Boy now that was a machine that had all the bests games when you where on the go. Its funny that when you think about games now people seem to only see the big gamin consoles and maybe the ones played on computer. But some of the best gaming devices are the little pocket games. This is the one thing that has a major impact on the kids of today.
I can remember back as a child playing Mario on my cousin's Game Boy. It was such a blast and especially when i got my own Game Boy color and played Pokemon for the first time. I thought it was just amazing how I could play a video game while on the road to my grandma's house. Indeed this was a big step for Nintendo when they brought this device out on the gaming market. It brought more fans of the Super Nintendo out of their basement and into the public's view. The Game Boy originally came out in August of 1989. It was developed with a simple button layout and also came with special features like a rechargeable battery pack. To many peoples surprise the game of the time wasn't Mario, but Tetris which sold over 33 million copies. A few years down the road and some modifications to this cool little machine Nintendo brought out the Game Boy color. At this time a major game that really started to have a big sales for Game Boys was Pokemon. A very popular ga,e for little kids which had cute little monsters that would battle.
Now all of this has lead to the development of the best gaming system by Nintendo which is the DS and the newly release DSi. These portable gaming devices have been the new sweetest devices to hit the market for the fact that they are able to use a touch screen for more interactive gameplay and with the new DSi a person is able to to take pictures. With new applications for this machine the possiblilities are unlimited.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

First Person Shooters

For all the many amazing game types out there one of my favorite is a FPS. These are some of the best games to see some brutal competition. One of the big name games from this genre that has made it into the MLG world is Halo. This game is probably one of the fastest growing games in the market with popularity in the United States. It has brought many people together from the farthest parts of the earth.
More on the topic some of the first FPS's started in the 70s with Maze War and Spasim. Maze War is one of the closest games to a first person shooter since it use characters on foot and fighting. Spasim featured the FPS format more in the spaceship sense instead of being a person. So this was something that could be consider a different style to this type of play. I myself find this to be a unique look. In 92 the game Wolfenstein 3D that really set off the FPS genre it was built on the ray casting development that all FPS's are still based on today. This template was the key design for the games. Games in the later on after this also included Black Stone: Aliens of Gold and Doom. Doom was the first game to bring out the multiplayer format which was made for competitive deathmatch gameplay. Also with its texturing, variation on heights and enhancing the 3D environment it really brought the realism for the game.
It wasn't till the year 1997 when the best FPS came out that is set in the books. The name was Golden Eye 007 and it was brought out on the Nintendo 64. It was the first game to have well designed solo gameplay and also well developed multiplayer maps. It also gave the ability to use an aiming sight with the weapons and the favored ability of laying down a good Headshot.
Now to bring you up to speed with the high rollers of the video games of todays FPSs. We have the most popular ones like Halo 3, Call of Duty 4: Mondern Warfare and Resistance: Fall of Man. All of which have amazing online capability and specialties with maps, unique weapons and sweet styles for game play. They invoke the power of not only slayer matches, but also objective missions like capture the flag. Another thing that these newer games brought into this genre that was never seen before was the use of vehicles. So over all the First Person Shooters are great games with a litte violence on the side when you need to get some anger out.